OVH Servers Manager:White Label

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White Label

Although the module hides all referring to OVH WHOIS information of the IP addresses for technical contact OVH SAS (even RIPE IP addresses).

Systems reinstalled on servers and Rescue, vKVM and WinRecue modes include references to OVH that we'll give you some examples the field below so that you will be careful and act consequences so that these cover up information.

Linux Systems

Sur tous les systèmes Linux proposés par OVH le Hostname sur serveur sera toujours celui défini par OVH ( ou

Ce Hostname est visible dans plusieurs fichiers dont voici quelques exemples :

On all Linux systems offered by OVH Hostname on server will always be defined by OVH (or

This hostname is visible in several files including the following examples:

  • File that is responsible for greeting as in the picture below


  • File which is responsible for DNS resolutions and that includes "search"

You can change all references to OVH manually or via a post-installation script.

You can set the pot-installation script in the Post-installation Scripts section of the module

You can see some examples of scripts that clears wholes OVH information system installed in the section:

Post-installation Scripts

Windows Systems

  • The name of the machine is always as follows: nsXXXX or KSxxxx, you can change it via the Control Panel -> System
  • The organization is always OVH SAS, you can change it through the registry editor "regedit" in the key :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\RegisteredOwner
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\RegisteredOrganization

Mode Rescue

  • The hostname of the Rescue mode "" You can change as seen above in the Linux section.
  • The hardware test mode refers to OVH network but no changes can be made to our knowledge.


The disclaimer and present informations fonts referring to OVH but no changes can be made to our knowledge.


The information pressentes fonts referring to OVH but no changes can be made to our knowledge.


For complete white label management you must disable Rescu, vKVM and WinRescue modes and delete all information related to OVH after any relocation using post-installation scripts or manually.